
What Is A Human Predator?
Anyone who uses fear, psychological manipulation, trickery, or violence to dominate others is a human predator. Those who always bring out the worst in you are most likely predatory humans. (including sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths).
Why Should You WATCH OUT!?
As a teenager, you want to be liked, have friends, and gain some degree of independence. But if you become entangled with a human predator (either someone your age, or an adult) you will suffer everything from emotional agony to thoughts of suicide before they are finished with you.

"WATCH OUT!" will teach you how to recognize human predators
before they see you. It also teaches you how to keep yourself off
the radar of those who want to:
Steal your identity for purposes of scamming others
Pile up debt in your name using your Social Security Number
Sell you fake products online
Sextort you using nude photos they entice you to send them
Kidnap you and press you into the worldwide sex-trafficking trade
Present as a romantic interest but drop you as soon as they get what they want from you
Bully you repeatedly for no reason except it makes them feel good to torment others
Destroy your reputation through whisper campaigns, or online slander campaigns, just because it makes them feel powerful
Recruit you into drug use
Entice you into using porn sights, then blackmail you with threats they will expose you to everyone you know unless you pay them
What Is The Risk To Teens?
The advent of the internet makes it easier for predators of all types to connect to teenagers, making teens targets online and in real life.
WATCH OUT! identifies the tactics predators use that can damage a teen's life and self-esteem, and it provides strategies and tools to protect against them.

Predatory people count on no one telling you about them, letting you find out the old-fashioned way so you are blind to the tricks they use to get close emotionally and entrap you. These predators may be in your friend group right now, but they are invisible to the untrained eye.
Some of them do all their hunting online, but pose as teenagers (known as Catfishers) and are highly skilled at hiding, making you feel heard, cared about, and “just like them.” Some of them are found in the workplace and are highly skilled at appearing normal.
Others are almost magnetic with their exciting, rebellious, and hostile ways. That’s because, for most teenagers, it’s normal to feel rebellious and hostile, making it easy to identify with others who feel that way. Even if you’ve been told there are some really bad people and to stay away from them, how could anyone you feel attracted to, and find so interesting, be one of the bad guys? Yet your imagination can’t possibly see the danger that’s hiding behind the masks these people wear unless you read WATCH OUT!