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WATCH OUT! A Teenagers Guide to Avoiding Socipaths, Psychopaths, and Narcissists

Watch Out!

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This is the book that liars, cheaters, con artists, online stalkers, sex traffickers, and fake friends don't want teenagers to read!  You're a teen, eager to start exploring life and all the adventures that await.  But are you ready for the human predators out there who will prey on your optimism and inexperience?

    WATCH OUT! teaches you how to sniff out the worst in human nature.  It will open your eyes to:

    • Red flag warnings that someone is a predator
    • Blind spots that make you oblivious to danger
    • Proven methods to handle trouble

    Dreams can become nightmares if you get entangled with a human predator.  Learn to avoid predator pitfalls.  WATCH OUT! will show you how.

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