Any person who consistently acts without conscience to dominate others using fear, psychological manipulation, trickery, or violence is a human predator.
As a teenager, you are especially vulnerable to predatory humans because you are innocent of their existence. While testing your wings as a social being, and hungry for independence, you just want to be liked, have friends, and gain some degree of popularity. Human predators know this, and they may try to befriend you--but only for their destructive purposes. Only when you are ensnared by them will you understand how destructive they can be. WATCH OUT!
Why Should You Read
When anyone causes you to consistently feel bad about yourself, it’s time to start seeing what they are showing you about who they really are.
What makes some people predatory?
Predatory humans have three distinguishing traits that make them dangerous. They lack empathy, they lack compassion, and they lack conscience.
People lacking empathy do not have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Even if their actions and words are causing pain and suffering in the people they target, human predators will not change their behavior. In fact, these people experience personal satisfaction from harming others.
The cause for most predatory people fall into 3 categories; genetics, trauma, drug addiction.
Predator Quiz
Which of these two philosophies do you subscribe to? These opposing strategies for life are constantly fighting for supremacy. The human predator always chooses himself, even if he is pretending to be a part of a team, a friend, or romantically interested in you.
To assess if you are experiencing a predator, ask yourself these questions:
1. Do you frequently have negative feelings about them?
2. Do they often leave you with negative feelings about yourself?
3. Do you frequently say or do things you regret when around them?
4. Do they cause chaos and leave you feeling unsettled on a regular basis?
5. Do you often dread telling them something for fear of their reaction?